Our mental health plays a big part in how we live our lives, how we feel in the short and long term, and our self-esteem and confidence levels. Various factors can impact our mental health both positively and negatively. It is important to monitor mental health and work to support those with mental health issues so the causes can be identified and worked through in a supportive environment to prevent further degradation of mental health.
Ill Mental Health, Signs, Triggers, and Steps To Combat Them
Ill mental health can lead to further issues such as depression, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, anxiety, and social withdrawal. Various circumstances can cause and aggravate poor mental health with some of these factors being: grief, stress, isolation, and any traumatic events, etc. In order to combat these negative behaviours we must first understand them and recognise the signs of them.
However difficult it may be, a line of communication can be crucial when dealing with mental health whether that be you personally who is experiencing these effects or if you are supporting someone who is.
If you are supporting a person it is important to not push them too quickly into talking if they are uncomfortable with this, you should help them work through at their own pace and just being with someone can gradually help reduce some barriers.
If you are a mental health sufferer it is important to try and open the lines of communication with someone you trust but also finding a way to keep occupied throughout the day can help stimulate your mind and prevent you from dwelling on your thoughts alone.
Positive Mental Health and it's effects
Positive mental health and a strong mindset can change the way people look at the world and can prove to be life-changing in more ways than one, from giving someone the confidence and self-belief to follow their dreams to enabling people to cope with and manage difficult situations and periods in their lives in a healthier and more open manner.
CTEES and Mental Health
At CTEES we offer a range of courses for those looking to learn more about or advance in a career regarding mental health. Our comprehensive courses can provide you with all the skills and information you need in order to make a difference to those who need it and improve yourself personally and vocationally.
These courses will give you the skills to be able to more clearly recognise the signs of positive and negative mental health and how you are able to support those who are suffering from ill mental health. The skills you learn here will also allow you to spread your knowledge to others and provide a more nurturing environment for mental health to be addressed.
Find out more information by clicking the "Our Training Opportunities'' button at the bottom of the page.
Positive mental health can be life changing. Play your part in changing a life today!
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